Welcome to LD@home

A Message from LDAO’s President & CEO

As President and CEO of the Learning Disabilities Association of Ontario (LDAO), I am delighted to welcome you to LD@home, which follows on the success of our services for teachers (www.LDatSchool.ca and www.TAaLecole.ca). LDAO is committed to providing parents with a service based on the best evidence-based solutions available this is freely accessible and focused on the needs of Ontarians living with LDs, either personally or as a family supporter.

This website has been built to bring resources to the households of Ontario impacted by learning disabilities (LDs). Our vision is to provide education, knowledge and resources to assist you in your journey, as well as a safe place to connect with the LDA network across Ontario for ongoing support. Over time, we hope to expand this site to cover a lifetime journey of living with LDs. In phase one of this project, we are focused on supporting the early years of the journey from elementary school through to the transition into high school, for parents and students.

The Learning Disabilities Association of Ontario (LDAO) would like to offer our sincere thanks to The Ontario Trillium Foundation for its support of this phase of the project and for allowing this vision to become a reality.

We are also interested in your feedback; within these pages, you will find opportunities to give us feedback as well as links to our social media accounts. Please help to shape the growth of this service into the future with your comments.


Lawrence Barns

President & CEO, LDAO